Prof. Jörg Schröder

Prof. Jörg Schröder

Leibniz University Hannover

Jörg Schröder, architect and urban planner, is Full Professor and Chair for Territorial Design and Urban Planning at Leibniz University Hannover, and Dean for Research of the Faculty of Architecture and Landscape at LUH. He is in the board of EAAE, European Association for Architectural Education, the organisation of the Architecture Schools in Europe, and a member of the German Academy of Urbanism and Planning DASL. He graduated with Technische Universität München and has been assistant professor at TUM. As a guest lecturer and for teaching and research projects he cooperates with several universities in Europe and Latin America. In research, his focus is on sustainable transition and territorial innovation, with a focus on design research. In particular, he is working on interactions with infrastructure design, sustainable development, and circular economy. He is coordinator of the Circular Design Innovation Alliance, funded 2023–26 by the European Union, and has been coordinator of the research projects Creative Food Cycles (EU Creative Europe Programme), Cosmopolitan Habitat (DAAD) and Creative Heritage (Volkswagen Foundation). He is regularly directing and organising international conferences, workshops and summer schools. Recent publications include the book Circular Design (2023, with Jovis, Berlin).

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