Team Group: Speakers

Ramon Canal-Oliveras

Director of the Technical Cabinet for Programming the 2030 Agenda

Elora Hardy

Founder and Creative Director of IBUKU

Daniel Christian Wahl

Author of Designing Regenerative Cultures // Founder & Director of Daniel Christian Wah - Sustainability Consultancy Innovation Education

Ana Coello

Founder of Ana Coello Paisaje y Arquitectura

Feifei Zhou

Artist and Architect // Co-editor of Feral Atlas: the More-Than-Human Anthropocene

Mitchell Joachim

Associate Professor NYU // Co-Founder Terreform ONE

Belinda Tato – Ecosistema Urbano

Associate Professor in Practice of Landscape Architecture, Graduate School of Design, Harvard University // Director - Ecosistema Urbano

Chiara Farinea

AAG Head of Building with Nature Based Solutions Research

Skylar Tibbits

Founder and Co-director of Self Assembly Lab at MIT // Associate Professor of Design and Research at MIT

Petra Gruber

CEO transarch, office for transdisciplinary architecture // Senior Researcher, University of Applied Arts, Vienna, Austria // Adjunct Associate Professor, The University of Akron, USA
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