Marina Espinach

Marina Espinach

Documentary Director, IAAC

Marina Espinach  is a filmmaker specializing in documentary film, currently working as a film director for the research project “ForestED” in IAAC, and collaborating in other audiovisual projects in Valldaura Labs. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Filmmaking from Bande à Part Escuela de Cine (Barcelona) and a Bachelor’s degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology from Universitat de Barcelona. In 2023, she graduated from the Master in Visual Anthropology from the University of Manchester where she focused her research and documentary creation on ecology and human/nature relations. Her films have been screened and awarded in festivals such as Festival de Málaga, Sitges Film Festival or D’A Film Festival, and selected in the 2020 Shortcat catalogue. In addition to her artistic practice, Marina has worked as a script supervisor, camera operator and editor, as an audiovisual and cultural coordinator for various projects, and as cultural heritage manager.

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